Weather, Email Contact, Guerrilla Petanque

We play every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 2 PM until dark.
If you drop in at those times you will get in a few games.

Click on the city for their Weather:   Lafayette   San Rafael   Sonoma   San Francisco   Portland,OR

Contact Lamorinda Pétanque Club by email

Learn more about Petanque by clicking on these links: Petanque America,   and   Federation of Petanque USA

See the 2014 FPUSA Calendar here.

See the 2014 Bay Area and Beyond Calendar here.

See the video Petanque in the USA here.

See the Lamorinda Smugmug Photo Galleries here.

Find Upcoming Tournament Information and Petanque Partner Finder here.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Federation of Petanque, USA (FPUSA) is a non-profit sports organization whose purpose is to build a national body of FPUSA - affiliated clubs and individuals dedicated to spreading, practicing and enjoying Petanque, a worldwide outdoor bowling game of modern French derivation via ancient Greece and Rome.

Please visit to locate a petanque club near you!

A gracious thank you to Dexter Darden for his participation on the project and a big thank you to all the petanque enthusiasts who have made it into the final creation. This would not be possible without your support and generosity. Also a special thank you to the Kitt family.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

International Petanque Champion Marco Foyot will be visiting a dozen locations across the country where he will conduct clinics on skills of the game of petanque and also compete against local FPUSA club players.

Go to the Marco Foyot Tour of the United States website to find out when and where and also who Marco Foyot is. Click here to go there.

Everyone is welcome to come and watch a Champion in action.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Here is a new wrinkle on tournaments:

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 21 saw the 2nd Annual Lamorinda Cup Tournament held at our pistes in Lafayette. There were 20 mixed teams from the Bay Area and as far afield as Ukiah, Fresno, Oakhurst, and Sacramento. Thanks to all the players who helped to make it a memorable day good play. 

Mickey and Nicole Coughlin (Redwood Empire Boules Club), Concours winners of the 2nd Annual Lamorinda Cup Tournament

...with Champagne and Trophy Glasses...

...and a nice Cash Prize

Jer and Chue Thao (Fresno Petanque club), 2nd Place Concours

Narin Garrett and PJ Mallette (VOMPC), 3rd Place Concours

John and Tish Harris (Oakhurst), 4th Place Concours
Hans Kurz and Shannon Bowman (VOMPC), 1st Place Consolante

Henry Wessel and Calvert Barron (La Petanque Mariniere), 2nd Place Consolante

Terese Pollock and Carlos Couto (Lamorinda Petanque Club) 3rd Place Consolante

And some photo memories.....

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Second Annual Lamorinda Cup Header

The Second Annual 

Lamorinda Cup Tournament
will be held on Sunday, 21 July 2013


Pre-registration of teams is required! 
You can pay your $30.00 on Sunday 21 July.

90% of entry fee will go to Cash Prizes
Cash Prizes in the optional 
Pointing and Shooting Contest at lunchtime - $5.00entry

Coffee and Croissants in the Morning

Registration closes at 8.30AM
Play begins at 9.00AM
Please bring your own Lunch

Apéritifs will be served after the Tournament

Any questions? Call 925 891 4756

If you are looking for a partner you can use the 
Petanque Partner FinderClick here to enter your name.

Monday, June 10, 2013

6-Ball Challenge at Club Francais de Sacramento

This is what it was all about.....

Ok, so we only managed the Consolante, but Lamorinda took First and Second Place!

Etienne played Six Balls and got First Place.

Beth and Carolina played Three Each and got Second Place.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

2013 FPUSA Northwest Regional Men's and Women's Singles Toutrnament

Lamorinda Petanque Club will be hosting the Tournament at 480 St Marys Road, Lafayette, CA on Sunday 16 June.  Click this link to get entry forms and more...

Come and win one...

2013 FPUSA Northwest Regional Melee Triples at La Boule d'Or, San Francisco.

Lamorinda Petanque Club is proud to announce that Dollzee and her teammates Steve and Kevin were the Bronze Medal Winners of the Melee Triples held on Sunday, 2 June.

Congratulations to you all....

Keep them Armadillos rolling Dollzee....

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

FPUSA Northwest Regional '65 Over/Under' Mixed Doubles Tournament

We are happy to be hosting the
FPUSA Northwest Regional '65 Over/Under' Mixed Doubles Tournament 
again this year.

Last year was an unqualified success, why not be a part of it this year?

Get a printable copy of the entry form : click here...

Friday, March 22, 2013

March 17 - St.Patrick's Day Petanque at Lamorinda

Our 2013 Season opener.  A beautiful day and a nice turnout with 21 Doubles teams playing 5 games. There was definitely home-court advantage - 1st and 3rd going to Lamorinda members.

 It was great to have see so many of our old friend and to welcome new ones from La Petanque Mariniere, new club Napatanque and Robert Dunn, visiting from the new York Petanque club.

Thanks to Gilbert for the pictures.

First Place: Beth and Robert

Second Place: Hans and Wolfie


Third Place: Roberto and Bill

Morning coffee and something to eat...

At the end of the Rainbow...

Monday, March 11, 2013

2013 California Commemorative Cup

Here we go again… The Commemorative Cup.
Why by the way is this event called the Commemorative Cup?
According to Louis Toulon, it was created to celebrate and pay tribute to La Pétanque Marinière’s founding fathers: Louis ToulonJean-Louis BontempsMarcel Parnell,René Di Maio, and Charles Davantes.
Merci messieurs!
Contestants came from all over California in an effort to get their names engraved on the Perpetual Trophy.
In case you had forgotten, last year’s winners were Claudie Chourré and Etienne Rijkheer who defeated Ed Porto and Teri Sirico in the finals.
They teamed up again this  year for a second win.
Can it be done?
Improbable, unless they are on a Lance Armstrong regimen (which of course they will deny).
Just kidding guys!
The field looked good due in part to David Riffo and Christine Cragg who laid some highly visible strings on the ground to delimit playing boundaries.
The field was also groomed again last Saturday by a handful of volunteers.
Thank you all ladies and gentlemen for your help.
The weatherman promised good playing conditions and he kept his word. We enjoyed a cloudless sky and except for a few hours in the morning the temperature hovered around 70 degrees most of the day.
Viennoiseries” were offered by Jean-Claude Bunand. Thank you Great Bearded One! “Avec un boulanger on n’est jamais dans le pétrin.”
The format of the tournament was Mixed Doublettes (1 man + 1 woman).
Since we have twice as many men as women in our club, I assume that women were in hot demand. It is nice to be wooed ladies, isn’t it? Was it flowers? Candy? Money?
Your secret is safe with me.
Last year 20 doublettes participated in this tournament. This year we got 32!
Here are this year’s contestants:
1. PJ Mallette/N. Garrett //  2. M. Couglin/Nicole Coughlin
3. J.M Poulnot/S. Mattei // 4. F. Moser/T. Efron
5. P. Wellington/B. Hall // 6. T. Parkinson/ H. Sammons
7. J. Sarafian/A. Paulsen // 8. K. Evoy/S. Bowman
9. J.C Etallaz/ G. Etallaz // 10. E. Rijkheer/C. Chourre
11. E. Porto/T. Sirico // 12. F. Menhaus/B. Howard
13. D. Riffo/M. Bricca // 14. M. McMillan/C. McMillan
15. F. Haney/D. Haney // 16. B. Bardet/K. Summers
17. A. Marchand/E. Marchand // 18. D. Carlton/C. Jones
19. A. Lofaro/E. Lofaro // 20. A. Gusella/D. Gusella
21. L. Toulon/C. Cragg // 22. J. Gautier/M. Di Maio
23. J. Lecouturier/L. Kraft // 24. B. Passmar/C. Van Der Meulen
25. E. Moilanen/S. Garcia // 26. R. Dunn/T. Whitney
27. B. Lysten/B. Forte // 28. M. Menefee/E. McTaggart
29. P. Kos/I. Koss // 30. J.C Bunand/J. Krauer
31. R. Di Maio/H. Facchini // 32. D. Feaster/N. Feaster
If I misspelled any name, please forgive me for I just read handwriting.
If you see any mistake, send me a brief e-mail and I shall correct my mistakes.
Two 13 points qualifying games were played before lunch, and as a result 16 teams advanced to the Concours, 8 teams ended up in the Consolante A, and 8 teams in Consolante B.
After lunch
Consolante AParkinson/Sammons won 1st Prize by defeating Bardet/Summers
Consolante B:
Mickey and Nicole Coughlin won 1st Prize
 by defeating Dunn/Whitney (13/3)
Bottles of wine for all winners.
Riffo /Bricca defeated Sarafian/Paulsen (13/4)
Di Maio/Facchini defeated Mallette/Garrett (13/10)
David Riffo and Monique Bricca won the finals by defeating Di Maio/Facchini (13/2)
The stars of the finals were definitely the women, with men playing supporting roles.
Both Monique Bricca and Helga Facchini did superb pointing jobs and both absolutely deserve to have their names engraved on the Cup.
If there was a special medal for pointing, I would give it to Monique who, on a scale from 1 to 10 would get a 9, while Helga would get an 8.
Men did what they were supposed to do, assist the women, keep quiet and strike when required.
Congratulations David and Monique!
Yesterday, Genevieve and Jean-Claude Etallaz also celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary.Congratulations to the lovebirds.
A good tournament, and a good sign of things to come.
 To see pictures of this event, turn the sound of your computer on, and click here.